December 23, 2018

Takashi Kokubo - Jamaica ~ Waves And Light And Earth

1.   朝の海 (The Morning Sea) 

               In the far reaches of a Grandia white sky, a straw hut wafts in the wind.  Perfect sun, Perfect star.  Shine on, Shine far.  

               There is a sense of a small clearing waterside where a small tribal village monuments the earth.  There is a sense that the village is populated well, though currently seems abandoned.  There is a sense of dream strangeness.

               After a fun run with the tribal village, walk away, exit.  Walk along the silent water crest stream, knowingly referred to as “Eagle Siphon Way”.  

               Spirits of the village come forth and show us a mystic pathway towards eternal peace.  Through the jungle, pathway adorned with ancient leaves and rotting vines, centuries of natural protection.  A deep narrow cave, marble silver cobalt pure inside walls, lead downward, shining light, opening lower cave, plop into another realm.  Traverse, traverse, aimlessly through the new world.  Still a Grandia white sky, every present images in the distance, seldom closing.

               In the entire picture, ocean is the only thing making noise.

2.   楽園 (Paradise) 

               ~Endless Bliss~ ~Light, too Bright to See Past~   ~Subtle Shadows, Happy People~
               Light fades, glow bugs, sunset flies, dragon skimmers illuminate upon ascension.  Fresh green.
      ~Surrounding Jungle Garden of The Pavilion of Dreams~    ~Tropical Garden of Dreams~
               Violet haze sunset dimmer begins to darken.  Heaven blinks, and for this moment, though fleeting, seems eternal, and night curtains us.  Subtle winds from the warmth subdued night sky rest on our shoulders, winking stars hint at future secrets.  Glint, gleam.  The Earth Hums.
               Like  a lazy snail, the eye opens and we are sharpened with the sun of a new dawn.  Sun casts its light on all animals, a collective waking yawn from the forest.  Life, Birth, Renewal.  Dew, mist, carbonated air with each perky burst freshens all life.

3.  星月夜 (Starry Night)

               Happy birds with sunglasses sipping martinis on the beach not a care in the world.  Rock and Roll Radio can be heard in the distance from some kid’s window.  Cool breeze down the streets, Japanese seaside town.  Quietude, tipsy businessman and woman in red dress stumble home.  Woken up in the middle of the night for Advil balding father half awakenly returning home.  Gossipy group of school girls chatter home.
               Curfew because at deep dark night o’clock spirits parade the town in a muted eerie manner.  Anyone on the streets loses their life if caught in the stampede, and joins the ghostly spirits way of life.  For these spirits can only see the pathways of the town, never the personal spaces and homes of the villagers.  Mostly, it is a peaceful ritual, as the spirits are generally harmless and provide the town with a gorgeously sweet lullaby each night.

           In the End, most things are better experienced than read or heard of.

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