July 9, 2019

Ken Muramatsu - Green Thoughts

Did the Air(tv) anime get a second season?  Cause this is it’s OST.  Ken Muramatsu’s jazz shaded classical compositions infuse a backdrop of drum machines and synthetic lower bottom bass sounds with crisp keys to form Green Thoughts, an anonymity of a sound at times imitating summer days or tree bark through the longings of major 7 and minor 9 voicings straightly laid out.

               Alternatively, Green Thoughts = Plantasia?  Either way, we are blessed with such masterpiece. 

1.     緑のささやく

 A radiant mid-morning at an anime park; Misuzu’s hidden Summer.  Flippant bold blocked rising sun spirals happiness throughout the Air while faceless strangers blend into the living painting.  The day is healthy.  The day is filled with major 7’s and minor 9’s, but we are groovy.

Chord progression includes lots of diatonic jazz stuff in C major.  Lots of D-7,   G13,   G (b13), E-7, F maj 7. 
Key change to Db major towards end of jam.

2.     出逢いと別

               Misuzu’s Stoll.  A déjà-vu of a moment that has been tinted with foreshadow unknowingly because the future hasn’t happened yet.  Light and breezy. 
               Lots of chill jazz 7th chords.  D maj7 , B – 7, F# - 7, A -7 D7, G maj…etc. etc.

3.    陽だま

               The pre-tragedy, Misuzu’s confession.  Night time, deeply threaded conversation of care and emotion between two. 

4.    いつか森の中

               WOW screech of the midnight Bats, minor.  Misuzu’s lively night.  Maybe it’s Potato’s disappearance.  Ya silly pup where you off to?
               Ends like a track on Budd’s Avalon Sutra.

5.    グリーン・シャワ

               Misuzu’s rainbow.  A dazzling morning spirits us with rainbow.  We are invigorated in the same way of a plant’s posture. Echo baby!
               “You know I’m jokin’, babe?”

6.    晴れた午後に

               Misuzu’s puppet show.  Wonky donky button nosed puppets sloppily perform Greek tragedy.  We are doofuses, we are comedic.  Or, some sort of argumentative conversation.

7.    哀しみは喜びととも

               Misuzu’s nightmare.  The bizarre, stressful kind of nightmare, not gory or monster types.  The verse has the tone, “and that is what happens to the boy who cries ‘wolf’”, describing a moral to the story after a negative outcome.  Tan brown, Walsh faerie tale-ish. 

8.    水平線の見える部

               Misuzu’s horizon.  Sun peeps through blinds and we have a morning.

               Do a lot of these anime inspired jazz/classical soundtracks tend to be in non-jazz keys (Bb, Eb, F)??  Does this album beckon a resurgence of Key anime releases?  The world may never know.  Green Thoughts is a digitally drawn upbeat chillax wonderland of the paradox of Summer day anime land where it never feels too hot.  Keeping it cool Mr. Muramatsu.

July 2, 2019

Chihei Hatakeyama - Dark Sea

Chihei @ discogs.com
Chihei @ bandcamp.com

              Swirling souls maelstromate back to the source.  Whirlpools and whirlpools of recycled life energy funneling towards the next level of existence.  

               Holy Celestial envoy trumpets the transition of old life into new.  20 angels in major.

               Dark Siders plummet upon the pipe organ.

               As the energies blend towards the funnel, memories of past lives mesh and overlap each other.

               Every note of life is oozing out at once, gelatinous, amorphous, slimy, goopy, glowy translucent consciousness aural smoothie.